Friday, January 8, 2010

Hello, and Welcome!

          Umm, hi. I have a really good reason to start this blog, I just can't think of it right now. Hmmm... Let's say it's 'cause I'm bored. We had a snow day today, and I was stuck inside the whole time. I was planning to go to a movie or something but that dream faded quickly.
          Let's see, I guess to start this I should introduce myself. My name is Zeke, I'm not gonna tell you my last name, where I live, where I go to school, and stuff like that. If I told you all those things, you could probably figure out where I live and the stalk me. Before winter break we had this assembly about internet safety. The guy giving the assembly, Officer Jim, told us a story about this guy who was stalked and killed through Facebook. (By the way here is my Facebook page: Facebook) Anyway, I don't think the story is true because when some kid asked Officer Jim what the guy's name was. Officer Jim responded by saying; "Ummmmm... Mike Ro Fone, yeah Mike Ro Fone" He also happened to be holding a microphone. A coincidence. I think not.
          So where were we? Oh yes my name is Zeke, umm I love music, art, dancing, stuff like that. But my favorite thing to do is act. I love acting because it takes me to another place, and I get to be a new person. What else, what else... I like movies. My favorite? I don't know. I've seen too many to choose! I also like singing, playing Wii, oh and Rock Band! I love Rock Band! I do a really good "Creep" when I'm on vocals.
          What is this blog for you ask? Well I was thinking of posting stories of my day, showing you guys cool stuff, and other things like that. So stick with me on my journy through life. Day by day. Blog by blog.